What's Going on in Sudan? Sovereignty of the Body and the War on Women
The Afrakan Awakening (Nigeria, Kenya & More): Uprisings and the Dawn of a New Political Era
Advancing Economic Equity: Historical Realities and Investment Strategies
Crafting Afrocentric Narratives: My Journey as a Non-fiction Author and Self-PublisherBy Nkozia X
The Unspoken Law: Affirmative Action as a Distraction from Government-Granted Privileges to Whites
Zanzibar's Shadows and Echoes: The Enduring Impact of the Indian Ocean and Arab Slave Trades
Artificial Reproductive Technology and the Ghanaian Culture
Principalities of Evil: Anger & Rage
The War Crime of Agent Orange in Viêt Nam and its Lingering Effects
What I Learned Living in Morocco for Eight Months
Lack of Adequate Infrastructure in Ghana causes an Explosion, Eradicating Lives and Buildings
The Attack of Globalization on Afrakan Minds, Nations & Sovereignty
Life in Ghana