In his seemingly oblivious graduation address at Howard University in June 1965, President Lyndon Johnson raised a crucial question: why had the black population in the United States fallen further behind the white majority despite the nation's sustained prosperity since the end of World War II? Johnson would acknowledge the need for new policies of affirmative action to rectify the consequences of centuries of oppression, however, he would fail to comprehend an opportunity to examine how the New Deal and Fair Deal policies of the 1930s and 1940s, influenced by the preferences of the Southern wing of the Democratic Party, drastically advantaged white Americans while often excluding Afrakan Americans (i.e. blacks, coloreds, negros, Afro-Americans, etc), particularly those living in the racially segregated states.
To grasp the full complexity of affirmative action, it is essential to scrutinize the major policies of the New Deal and Fair Deal eras. It is imperative to note that during this error an estimated hundreds of billions dollars went into creating a middle class during the World War II, which often times did not include the described 'colored' class. These policies, shaped by the influence of the Southern Democrats, created a landscape that disproportionately favored white Americans while systematically excluding Afrakan Americans. The de jure racial segregation mandated by 17 states during this period perpetuated a cycle of exclusion and limited opportunities for the majority of Afrakan Americans, resulting in their continued disadvantage in the face of national prosperity.
Amidst the ongoing national discourse, affirmative action has captured attention as Afrakan voices take to the airwaves, celebrating the policy's perceived benefits after the Supreme Court effectively ends race conscious admission programs at colleges and universities across the country. However, obscured from their awareness is the sobering reality of Afrakan disenfranchisement and oppression within the complex realm of globalization, impacting not only the diasporic community but also the continent of Afraka itself. The contention arises as some perceive affirmative action as a dismissal of merit, despite the historical backdrop of heinous atrocities such as murders, burnings, rapings, and genocides inflicted upon the Afrakan people and their thriving communities in America. Such a perspective epitomizes a profound mockery of human intellect, exposing the depths of its intellectual derision.
President Johnson's failure to explore the interplay between past policies and the worsening socioeconomic disparities among racial groups is an offensive to the global public as it sets and continues a precedence of injustice. By acknowledging the systemic advantages enjoyed by whites through government-granted privileges, he could have prohibited the underlying dynamics that perpetuated inequity and hindered progress for marginalized communities.
Affirmative action emerged as a response to the historical inequities faced by Afrakan Americans and other marginalized groups. However, there is a compelling argument that it has served as a convenient distraction from the deeper issues of government-granted privileges that have disproportionately benefited whites. By shifting the focus to affirmative action, the broader discourse on systemic advantages and the need for substantive change can be sidestepped, allowing the perpetuation of structural inequalities.
To truly comprehend the complexities of affirmative action, we must critically examine the historical context and acknowledge the government policies that enabled the privileged position of white Americans. By engaging in intellectual clarity and recognizing the underlying power dynamics, we can foster a more sophisticated and nuanced understanding of the challenges faced by marginalized communities and strive for genuine equality and justice.

The story of white European migration to America is often romanticized as a pursuit of liberty and opportunity. However, beneath the surface lies an intriguing chapter of history, marked by a little-known law that granted distinct benefits to these early settlers. This article delves into the enigmatic legislation that facilitated their migration and uncovers the intricate dynamics that shaped the trajectory of the categorized "white" populations in America. While migration to America involved various factors, one pivotal legal instrument played a significant role in shaping the fate of white Europeans. This lesser-known law, which remains in the shadows of history, bestowed unique advantages upon these migrants, setting the stage for the development of a privileged class.
By unraveling the legal foundations of white European migration, we can expose the origins of their preferential treatment. This exploration uncovers the intricate web of legislation, concessions, and agreements that paved the way for these migrants to establish themselves as a dominant force in the early American society. The benefits bestowed upon white European migrants were multifaceted. From land grants and economic incentives to social advantages, this article examines the ways in which the law positioned these settlers for success. It reveals a system that not only provided material resources but also fostered a sense of entitlement, ultimately contributing to the perpetuation of socioeconomic disparities. The existence of a law that explicitly supported white European migrants challenges the commonly held notion of the American Dream as an indiscriminate path to prosperity. By recognizing this historical paradox, we can confront the complexities of America's foundation and confront the enduring impacts of preferential treatment.
Understanding the historical context of white European migration holds relevance for contemporary discussions on immigration, privilege, and equity. This examination prompts us to critically examine the legacy of preferential treatment and its lasting effects on the social fabric of America.
Delving into the law that granted benefits to white European migrants unveils a forgotten dimension of America's early history and the first developments of Affirmative Action . This exploration challenges conventional narratives and invites us to reevaluate the dynamics of privilege and inequality in society. By grappling with this historical paradox, we gain a deeper appreciation of the complexities that have shaped the categorized "white" populations in America and the ongoing implications for our present understanding of immigration and equity.
Affirmative action has long been a topic of discussion, often associated with its presumed goal of aiding minority populations in the United States. However, a more critical examination of history reveals a more nuanced narrative, one that suggests affirmative action has, at times, benefited the categorized "white" populations. By tracing the origins of affirmative action, from the migration of white Europeans to the Americas, through the emancipation of slaves and the compensation of slaveholders, to the redlining and segregation that protected whites, we can gain a clearer comprehension of this policy's historical context and interpret its complex implications.
To comprehend the historical roots of affirmative action, we must delve into the era of white European migration to the Americas. This influx of settlers led to the establishment of communities and the accumulation of resources. These advantages served as a foundation for the socioeconomic growth of the "white" population, creating an early form of affirmative action that benefited those who fell into this category. Following the abolition of slavery in the United States, another facet of affirmative action emerged.
In a controversial turn of events, slaveholders were compensated for their loss of property, while former slaves were left to navigate a society fraught with systemic inequalities.
This compensation to white slaveholders represents a further example of how affirmative action, in its historical context, has bolstered the interests of "white" populations rather than prioritizing marginalized communities.
The implementation of redlining and segregation policies reinforced the socioeconomic advantages accrued by "white" populations throughout history. These discriminatory practices systematically excluded minorities from access to quality education, housing, and employment opportunities. Meanwhile, "white" communities were afforded preferential treatment and a greater share of resources. This structural advantage further exemplifies how affirmative action, in its historical manifestation, disproportionately favored the categorized "white" populations.
Based on this historical analysis, it becomes apparent that affirmative action encompasses a broader scope than commonly assumed. It embodies a range of policies and practices that, throughout history, have contributed to the perpetuation of societal inequities. While affirmative action has been implemented with the intention of addressing racial disparities and promoting diversity, it is essential to recognize that its historical applications have not consistently aligned with these goals.
Affirmative action is a policy that may have been aimed at rectifying historical injustices and promoting equal opportunities for marginalized communities, while fostering diversity and inclusion. It hardly addresses the profound impact of past atrocities, such as the enslavement of Afrakan Americans and acts of war against prisoners of war, but it does give the disenfranchised communities in America a footing in the rigged capitalist race game. In order to present an unracist understanding of affirmative action, let us explore its definition and rationale, supported by factual and historical evidence from reputable sources.
Defining Affirmative Action:
Affirmative action refers to a range of policies and practices designed to counteract systemic biases and promote equal opportunities, particularly for those who have faced historical disadvantages due to race, ethnicity, or other protected characteristics. It acknowledges the enduring impact of past atrocities and seeks to create a more equitable society by addressing systemic barriers and fostering inclusivity.
Reparative Measures and Redress:
The United States' failure to effectively restore and rectify reparative measures and redress for the Afrakan community, in light of their enduring experiences of war crimes and injustices inflicted upon communities both within and beyond the Americas and the continent of Afraka, represents a profound moral and legal shortcoming. This failure becomes even more evident with recent decisions made by the Supreme Court, particularly in regard to affirmative action. The Court's ruling to curtail affirmative action marks a regressive step, impeding the progress of Afrakans in receiving long-overdue restitutions from the expansive enterprise that is the United States of America. This culmination of events raises pertinent intellectual questions regarding the nation's commitment to justice, equity, and the fulfillment of its moral obligations towards the Afrakan community.
Supporting Evidence:
The Civil Rights Act of 1964: This landmark legislation outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. It laid the foundation for affirmative action as a means to combat systemic inequalities and ensure equal opportunities for all individuals.
Bakke v. University of California (1978): The Supreme Court case affirmed that race could be considered as one of many factors in college admissions to promote diversity and address historical disadvantages.
Research on Disparities and Privilege: Studies from reputable sources, such as the Pew Research Center and the National Bureau of Economic Research, document enduring racial disparities in income, education, housing, and other socio-economic indicators. These disparities highlight the need for proactive measures like affirmative action to address privilege and promote equity.
Affirmative action, while initially introduced as a means to address historical disadvantages, can be seen as a diversionary tactic that deflects attention from the government-granted privileges that have disproportionately favored white Americans. To move forward, we must confront these realities, foster intellectual clarity, and engage in comprehensive discussions on equitable solutions that go beyond the limited scope of affirmative action.ي By exploring the migration of white Europeans, the compensation of slaveholders, and the implementation of redlining and segregation, we can discover the intricate nuances of this policy. While affirmative action has been portrayed as a means of supporting minority populations, its historical reality reveals a more intricate story, indicating that it has, at times, advantaged the categorized "white" populations. It is through this historical lens that we can develop a more sophisticated understanding of affirmative action and engage in meaningful discussions regarding its present and future implications. Supported by factual and historical evidence, this understanding of affirmative action underscores the importance of redress and provides a foundation for ongoing discussions on equity and social justice in America.

The struggle continues...
Very well written. I smell a new book just from this subject alone. What will the title be?
This article indeed is supported by factual and historical evidence providing an understanding of affirmative action which underscores the importance of redress and provides a foundation for ongoing discussions on equity and social justice in America.
What do we do now besides discuss it? How are laws changed? Let's go there I'm on board sign me up!!